Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Saturday I sat on my balcony for several hours working on The Moonlight Cafe. It was a beautiful day, and I made a lot of progress. I still have a few more chapters to add in to flesh out the story, to make it more real, but the majority of it is there. The story is complete. The word count is a lot less than it had been, but it's all it needs to be.

Tonight I reread the final third of the novel, the part that was almost completely new. I made a few edits here and there, added a few things, but all in all I am happy with it. I'm hoping to have it ready to send out in a month. Or, to start sending query letters again, anyway. I am very excited. I can't wait to share my new chapters with my writing group next Saturday.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Digs

Well, it's been quite a while since I last posted. I'm finally settled in my new apartment. When I bought my house 3 years ago, I swore I'd never go back to apartment life. But now I like it! I'm on the third floor and have a wonderful balcony. I'm sitting on it right now. It's covered and shady, and I can sit outside even if it's raining. Tiberius also loves being out on the balcony, watching the people walk by below. He's adjusting quite well to his new home. I wake up early every morning to take him for a walk, since he doesn't have as much room inside to run around. And in the heat we've had here in St. Louis, I can't walk him in the afternoons because he doesn't deal well with it (and neither do I!) So he gets morning and evening walks.

I'm much closer to work...I only spend 20 minutes on my commute each day as opposed to a full hour or more, so that gives me more time for writing and everything else. I'm slowly getting back in the writing groove. Since our last writing day on May 10, I hadn't written anything until this past Monday. I managed 1 chapter. I've also written a little bit not related to my novel. Probably nothing that will ever see the light of day, but writing nonetheless. Once I finish this post I'm going to try my hand at another chapter of Moonlight. I must say, I can't wait for our next writing day, which is June 28. I get to host it this time! I love hosting it, and it's even more exciting this time because I'll get to show off my new place.

So today marks the end of my second week at the new apt. I spent the first week unpacking. It pretty much feels like home, but I left my computer desk behind, and need to buy a new one. It won't feel completely homey until I have my writing space set up. The room that will act as my office is extremely empty right now. It has my bookshelf and nothing else. I bought some chairs for my balcony yesterday, but still want to find a little table to keep out here. And here's the biggest shocker of them all...for the first time since I moved out of my parents' house seven years ago, I have cable. I even have a Tivo. It's pretty nifty, joining the 20th century like that. :) I haven't watched a whole lot yet, but having the Discovery Channel rocks! Just in time for "When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions" which started last Sunday.

Well, time to do a bit of writing. Now that I'm mostly settled, I should be able to write, and post, more often.