I've been sick off and on the past few weeks, so haven't sent any more query letters after the first 4. I have received 2 rejection letters so far. That's expected, so I'm not terribly disappointed. When I get up into the dozens and dozens of letters sent, then I might start getting disappointed.
I went to a NaNoWriMo kickoff party last weekend. A bunch of people in St. Louis got together to talk about writing and whatever. No actual writing was done, as you're not supposed to start until Nov. 1. I met some new people and got ideas for keeping the writing going, even when you're totally stuck. It was a good time, and I look forward to the weekly write-ins during November (when people get together to write or discuss what they're writing.)
I've thought and thought about the idea I had and was planning to write. I have been unable to come up with a even a bad plot line to go with the basic idea. So, I scrapped that one for now (it would have been a mystery type novel.) I had another idea waiting in the wings thanks to my trusty "idea" file. I write down plot ideas, images, character sketches, whatever catches my fancy, for later use. I freewrote about this new idea to see what kind of genearl plot idea I could come up with, and was pleased with the results. This will also be somewhat of a mystery novel. I've never written anything mystery before, short story or otherwise, and have read some, but not a ton of, mystery novels, so this will be a nice change and interesting experiment.
In 28 hours I will begin my quest for 50,000 words in 30 days.
1 month ago