Sunday, November 2, 2008

On a Roll

I had written 5700 words by the time I left for the write-in today. I wrote another 3500 in two hours at the write in, for a total of 9120. It's 10:20, and my grand total for the past 2 days is 11,660!!! I'm more than a fifth of the way done, and it's only 2 days into November. I'm so excited about this novel, and want to keep writing. I'm tired though. I've spent more than half the day writing. I took a short break to watch 2 old episodes of Entourage, and to run to Target for a few things. Other than that, it's been all writing. I need to get some sleep. My brain is tired, but energized with ideas at the same time.

Tomorrow I'm going to my parents' house for dinner. Tiberius will be happy about being able to run around in their yard. He is not very happy with me right now. I haven't played with him much today. But this story is so alive in my head, I can't type it out fast enough. As much as I hate to say it, poor puppy may just have to entertain himself this until this novel is done. Not entirely, of course I'll still walk him, but I don't want to do anything but write. Too bad I have to go to work tomorrow to make money. I think I'll bring my laptop to my parents' so I can write, but Tiberius can get some exercise at the same time. I'm sure they'll understand. I won't ignore them the whole night.

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