Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I'm re-dedicating myself to posting at least once a week. I added a new widget for my favorite blogs...blogger now has an official blogroll widget, so I transferred the list to that and added a few new ones to the list. Changed the quote of the week, updated my profile. Minor things, but they needed to be done. Next I'll work on revamping my website a bit.

There's a writing conference in Chicago the second weekend of February called Love is Murder...sounds about perfect for the paranormal fiction novel I'm editing right now. I would love to go, particularly because there will be a pitch session available, but my novel isn't quite ready to pitch yet, and I worry that I'm too late to sign up for the optional critique session. If I do go, I want to get all I can out of it. I'll probably pass and go next year.

Right now, I want to finish my paranormal novel (and think of a title for it! Just can't seem to come up with one) so I can go back to The Moonlight Cafe. I think it's sat long enough, and I'm once again excited at the thought of working on it. The thought of another major rewrite doesn't fill me with dread. But one thing at a time.

I would also like to work on some short stories for contests or publication (or both!) and maybe some nonfiction articles to publish. Not sure what the topic would be for the nonfiction or how to go about it, but I'd like to start trying to make a little money off my writing so I can begin my journey away from corporate american and towards a life lived with my passion.

Plenty to keep me busy, that's for sure!

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