Sunday, November 2, 2008

And We're Off!

I woke up extra early yesterday to start writing my new novel. I wrote 1692 words (the NaNo website is super slow this morning, so I haven't been able to update my wordcount there for the widget on my main page Then I went to Tina's for our monthly writer's day. It was just Tina, Sarah, and me yesterday. Sylvie is in Trout, and Mary had her grandkids. It was a great day. We did a bit more talking than writing, but that's always good too. I wrote another 2222 words there, for a grand total of 3914 for the day. That's 2 days worth of words! So I'm off to a good start. And I have all day today to write as well, so hopefully I'll at least double that, if not more. The only plans I have is the St. Louis Write-In from 2-4, but that will be more writing.

The idea for this novel came from a particularly vivid dream I had one night months and months ago. I woke up and thought, "That would make a great story! I must write that down before I forget it!" Then it sat in my ideas file. I pulled it back out for NaNo, figured out a basic plot, and off I went. Already 2 characters have introduced themselves to me I didn't know about. Plans for the main character are manifesting in my brain. And, are you ready for this? I think this might be the beginning of a series. It started out as a mystery. It's still going to be a mystery, but it's also going to have a paranormal undertone to it. That bit of plot came to me at Tina's yesterday, and I am extremely excited about that. I love the paranormal, and have wanted to write a book in that genre, but haven't come up with an idea yet. This one came about so naturally that it's going to be perfect. And then Elena, my main character, told me that this won't be the end for her. She has so much more to experience and learn, there's no way she's going away after one novel. How cool is that, that she's already starting to talk to me after only 4 chapters? She didn't say it directly, but the idea was definitely there in my mind. So a paranormal series has begun. Yay!

And now I can't wait to write some more, so I'm off. It's a beautiful Sunday here in St. Louis. You'd never know it's Nov. 2. It feels more like April. I'm going to take my laptop out on the deck and enjoy this weather while I'm writing.

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